Eleanor Roosevelt
Thank You Eleanor. Reading the words above made me realize that the sight of my living room does not have to be a source of embarrassment but. Instead, with great pride, I will view it as a gift to other homemakers. You see, anyone who visits my house is bound to feel better about their own house and their own housekeeping skills. All this time I have viewed myself as lazy and unworthy - when, in reality, I m acting in a selfless manner- helping the housekeepers of the world.
Think about it. When you visit a home that is clean, organized and inviting, does it make you feel good about yourself? No - it makes you feel inferior. It fills your mind with visions of closet organizers, vacuum cleaners and windex. It makes you feel like moving furniture and shaking out rugs. That is a BAD state of mind.
On the other hand, when you see baskets of clothes waiting to be put away, dishes in the sink, toys scattered across the floor and various papers covering every surface, it makes you feel great about your own house. I mean, when you sit on a chair only to find a TV controller sticking into your butt, it makes you feel like you actually could invite people over without a two week notice. And, be honest, when you see something really disgusting - like a dead mouse or an old soiled diaper on the floor - it makes you feel like Martha Stewart.
So, even though I could put that pile of clothes in the drawers or sort through the jumbled papers and file them away, I wont. I mean, while I had planned to clean litter boxes, sweep floors, wash dishes and pull weeds - I think I will play a little Farmville instead. I will do this for you.
I would never want to make anyone feel substandard. It would hurt me deeply to know that I had caused another human being to think they needed to work harder than they already do. My goal is bring a sense of pride to others, no matter what housekeeping level they have achieved.
So, I make this promise to you. The next time you come to my house, it will make you experience so much pride in your own house that you will want to come back again and again. I am giving up the little bit of housework I currently maintain. I do this as a gift to you.
You're Welcome!
(I bet if I give up showering and teeth brushing I could encourage even more people's self-esteem - something to consider, ay?)