still, I will say it again, everyone should read! You see, when reading, sometimes different ideas and different perspectives can spark in your mind. You can sometimes realize that another way of looking at things might actually be better than the way you are currently looking at things. You can come to understand that some long held belief of yours is actually false.
This is what happened to me this morning. I was reading, and a short statement made my whole outlook on a certain subject adjust, and then appear in a new light.
You know all those starving children in China? It turns out that eating all the food on your plate doesn't actually change their situation at all - not in the least. Whether you eat your food, or save some food for later, or give your food to your dog, or even throw your food away - the starving children in China will be just as starving as they were before your meal.
So, gluttony doesn't actually help anybody. You don't need to make yourself fat to save the children of the world. And there is no guilt involved in stopping when you are no longer hungry. Amazing, isn't it?
So, that only leaves one question. If we can't overeat to help the starving children, then what can we do?
Well, my husband is OBSESSED with this game on the internet called Free Rice, which up until now really got on my nerves, because he has this manly habit of playing the game and ignoring all of the chaos occurring all around him. In the game you have to match weird obscure words to their synonyms - and when you are able to do this successfully, grains of rice are sent to poor countries. The more people play and successfully match words, the more rice is sent. So, his spacing out in front of the computer is more altruistic than my obsessive eating.
So, eating like a pig does not help the starving children in China, but improving your vocabulary does. Go figure.
very informative